Staff spotlight - Steve Kinley

Every person in the Indigo Environmental team is important to us, which is why we’ve decided to introduce you to a different colleague each month, so you can learn more about them and their role.
Here, we’re finding out more about our group commercial director, Steve Kinley…
Name: Steve Kinley
Job title: Group Commercial Director
1. Summarise your role in one paragraph:
I am responsible for overseeing the commercial activity for the Indigo Group — liaising with customers and suppliers, setting prices and rebates, negotiating contracts and managing new business opportunities.
2. What is your favourite part of the job?
I love the variety — every day is different.
3. Pick three words your colleagues would use to describe you:
Driven, focused and fair.
4. Which word do you think best describes the ethos at Indigo?
5. What’s been the most satisfying moment of your Indigo career so far?
Setting the business up from scratch and establishing it to where we are now in just three short years — quite an achievement!
6. What are your hopes for Indigo in the coming year?
Continued expansion and growth.
7. What or who sparked your passion for working within the waste and recycling sector?
My twin brother, Paul is currently managing director at Indigo and while we don’t always see eye to eye, we do work well together.
8. What do you think is one of the biggest environmental challenges currently facing the UK? At the moment, there is a huge sense of uncertainty in the marketplace with Brexit and COVID-19 — I believe we need a period of stability so we can get back on track.
9. Complete the sentence: “The recycling of plastic materials is…
“fundamentally the right thing to do — it’s a valuable resource that can be reprocessed repeatedly, minimising the negative impact on our planet.